European AI Hub

Key structure of the European AI Hub

The popAI European AI hub for LEAs will rely on the work and the activities performed within popAI project while aiming to last also beyond the duration of the project. The hub, indeed, gathers the exploitable results of the project and represents a way to “keep alive” the results of the work and activities performed within the project.

The European AI Hub for LEAs consists of three main pillars: the network, the tools, and the services.

The network allows to facilitate interactions and exchange of perspectives, and it is meant to further stimulate discussions and knowledge sharing.

The network derives from the engagement activities carried out during the 24 months. It gathers popAI consortium members and Stakeholder Advisory Board, sibling and related projects, and the multiple categories of actors involved in the AI domain. It includes multiple categories of actors: LEAs, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), researchers, academia, industry, ethics and legal experts, etc.

Representatives from these categories have been involved in multiple popAI activities: this has facilitated their interactions and exchange of perspectives, thus contributing to achieve a better understanding of each other’s needs and point of view.

The tools are those practical instruments resulting from the work done by popAI consortium in several activities.

These tools are meant to be available into the hub, thus achieving a twofold objective:

  • on the one hand, exploit the results of the popAI research activities and put into practice methodologies and apporaches that have proved to be successful;
  • on the other hand, to stimulate further research, perhaps involving users to think about possible new application or updated versions of such tools.

The Services include multiple categories of activities and derive from the work carried out within the project. They offer methodologies and know-how that can be further used in the future.

Services include:

Capability building services (e.g. roadmaps, best practices, training)

Networking services (e.g. stakeholder mapping, policy labs, photo competition, workshops)

Awareness services (e.g. recommendations, roadmaps, crowdsourcing activities)

The hub is intended to be a modular system that could be expanded and extended in the future with new services and tools. This would ensure the continuation of the work, while opening up opportunities for establishing new partnerships with other projects.