Terms, Conditions and Rules for popAI Student Photo and Caption Competition


The competition will be conducted/take place in accordance with the law and your participation is subject to the Terms & Conditions set out below. Your registration and participation in the competition presupposes and implies that you have studied, understood, and unconditionally accepted all the Terms, Rules and Policies of the competition. Non-compliance and non-acceptance of the rules, results in the automatic cancellation of participation in the competition. We have the right to unilaterally revise or update these terms, whenever it is necessary and without any prior notice. For this reason, please check these terms from time to time.

I. Student Photo and Caption Competition Organizers

The competition will be organized and hosted by popAI’s partner Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and curated via the popAI project’s website.

II. Fair and Equal participation for all candidates

Lawful, fair and equal participation in popAI Student Photo and Caption Competition concerns will be secured according to/by the following conditions:

  1. The participation of students in the Student Photo and Caption Competition should be in consistency with the objectives of popAI original research
  2. The participation process should comply with the applicable laws/legislation to ensure respect of applicable legislation personal data including image data (photos) have to be collected/processed in accordance with the data protection law

All students at European universities from any discipline, i.e., STEM, Humanities, Social Studies, and any level of higher education, i.e., bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, can apply.

III. Content and context of photos

In terms of the popAI – Student Photo and Caption Competition, specific rules have been defined according to the content and context of the photo that each participant will upload. The photo must be an original creation. No copyrighted images must be used. The participant must certify and warrant that the submitted photo does not violate the rights of a third person/party or any copyright. CERTH is not responsible for intellectual property violations that might have resulted from the submissions of photos. The photos must not contain violence, profanity, sex or direct attacks on individuals or organizations. Any entries deemed offensive would be immediately disqualified. The photographs shall not contain any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.

Illustration of persons has to be voluntary. The photographs shall not violate any person’s rights of data protection, privacy or publicity or any other rights. Participants must have obtained the explicit consent of any persons represented in the photographs for use of the photographs by the popAI’s organizer for all purposes related to the competition and explicitly inform them about their right to withdraw their consent at any time.

Upon entering the competition, participants certify that subjects were treated with respect and dignity, and that no people, wildlife or the environment were harmed in creating a photograph.

IV. Photo competition evaluation

Photos and captions will be judged by members of the project and popAI advisory board and the winners will be displayed both within the universities and on popAI’s website. A ranking list will be assembled with all proposals that score above the thresholds (6 out of 10 in each individual category). Notifications on success or rejection will be sent out by the ending of February 2022. The photo competition evaluation will be conducted in an unbiased/unprejudiced way.

V. Thematic areas and general guidelines

Concrete guidelines are defined to frame the depiction of abstract thought in a photo:

  • All photos should have at least one thematic focus
  • At least one feature of the photo should be linked with a fresh look at technology use in AI use and policing data
  • The caption should be a more descriptive paragraph to indicate accurately the link between the notion of the user and its depiction (translation of abstract thought to a photo).
  • All captions should be written in a clear format and language including the main keywords that detail each photo interpretation.

VI. Submission requirements

In the context of the Student Photo and Caption Competition, concrete technical requirements are required with respect to image/photo file (e.g., jpg, png), words’ limit in the textual information of title and caption. Photos will be submitted through the official web application.(popai.iti.gr)

Photos’ specs Examples
Image File (file type, resolution, size, dpi?) e.g., jpg, png
Photo Title Max = 100 characters
Photo Caption (a narrative description of the uploaded photo) Max = 500 characters
Capture Date (optional) e.g., full date xx/xx/xxxx
Photography Technique (optional) e.g., high-speed, tilt-shift, motion blur, etc.
Camera Type (optional) e.g., mobile phone, dsrl etc.

VII. Award

The three (3) winners of the popAI photo competition will receive, correspondingly:

  • 250 euro (1st winner)
  • 150 euro (2nd winner)
  • 100 euro (3rd winner)

All the information on how to apply and the eligibility criteria can be found in this leaflet (related link: https://www.pop-ai.eu/media-kit/).

VIII. Eligibility of costs

Given that in the technical annex of popAI no costs have been provisioned. Transfer of travel costs to the category of competition costs’ expenses (justification to financial statements).

IX. Important Dates

Competition will run from the beginning of October until the early February. All participants will be informed about the competition procedure and the technical specifications of photo and caption upload through a brochure, the popAI photo leaflet. The winner will be communicated within the end of February.

X. Informed consent

Through the interaction with the popAI platform, the participant will be asked to confirm that he/she have read and accepted these terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy of the competition, and to provide electronically in a safe way his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data.

XI. Additional information

Further information will be communicated in the upcoming weeks, regarding the opening date of the competition, the awards and the application procedure!

XII. Rights and ownership

The participants shall be the sole owner and author of the photographs. By submitting the photos, participants agree to grant CERTH free of charge the right to use the photo in any manner and media, including without limitation, the right to publish, adapt, distribute copy, display or translate in printed or electronic media even if they are not the winning entries. Photographs shall bear the author’s name.

CERTH reserves the right to modify or cancel the competition or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans or other items directly or indirectly related to the competition, at any time and for any reason if deemed necessary.

XIII. Limitation of liability

CERTH assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete information, whether caused by participants or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or used in the competition; moreover. CERTH is not liable for any errors, omissions, corruption, or other defects, delays, deletions or interruptions of popAI platform’s operation, for technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, or other problems or technical malfunctions connected with the competition.

XIV. Applicable law & jurisdiction

The above Terms, as well as any modification or alteration thereof, shall be governed by applicable Greek law. The Courts of Thessaloniki shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms and Conditions.

Ethics values and guiding principles

The present photo competition has been designed based on ethical considerations as have been approached in similar global photo competitions and relevant literature 1.

Ethics of photos in international development dealt with issues of consent, motives, respect and portrayal of subjects 2,3.

In alignment with the aforementioned considerations, ethical values and guiding principles have been defined as follows:

  1. Respect to terms, conditions and rules of the Student Photo Competition
  2. Each participant should respect and adhere to competition terms, conditions and rules as have been defined. Each participant should indicate consistency to the technical specifications/requirements (with respect to image/photo file (.jpg, .png, etc.), words’ limit in the textual information of narrative caption (link to a pdf with photo technical specifications), in order to consider a submission valid.
  3. The organization team will indicate consistency in the implementation of these rules/terms/conditions.
  4. Respect for the dignity people concerned while creating and displaying snapshots/images.
  5. Avoid images and/or messages, narrative descriptions that could cause any offence or hurt.
  6. Consider and esteem the equality of all people while creating and displaying snapshots/images.
  7. Conform to standards in relation to human rights and protection of vulnerable people.

Please note that each photo:

  • Should maintain originality and integrity of the photographic images’ content and context.
  • In case public photos are used as sources for the outcome, each participant’s references should be added as an added comment (*) in the narrative caption to indicate respect for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
  • Context and content that are offensive or not relevant to the original (main) purpose of the photo competition as described on the first page of the website are out of the scope of the competition and will be rejected.

1 https://global.unc.edu/events/carolina-global-photo-competition/ethical-global-photo-guidelines/
2 George, A., Theobald, S., Morgan, R., Hawkins, K., & Molyneux, S. (2015). Snap shots from a photo competition: what does it reveal about close-to-community providers, gender and power in health systems?. Human resources for health, 13(1), 1-8.
3 https://www.dochas.ie/resources/communications-pe/code-of-conduct-on-images-and-messages/