popAI Privacy Notice

About popAI

The popAI project is a 24 month Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement no. 101022001). This project brings together security practitioners, AI scientists, ethics and privacy researchers, civil society organisations as well as social sciences and humanities experts with the purpose of creating the structural basis for a sustainable and inclusive European AI hub supporting the ethical use of AI in policing. The project is led by the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos and involves a Consortium of 13 partners from 8 EU Member States.

popAI Final Event

popAI Final Event is held as a physical, full day event and will present popAI results in terms of policy recommendations, ethics toolbox and roadmap for the ethical use of AI in Civil Security and the relevant regulatory and legal developments while cluster projects (including ALIGNER and STARLIGHT) will also participate to demonstrate the tangible exploitation of popAI results within the cluster. popAI will also present the final results of the fore-sighting activity and roadmaps to 2040 while we kindly invite and expect the presence of relevant EU institutions and stakeholders.

Use of data

Participant name, affiliation and email are used for registration purposes and for creation of participants badges and list (name, affiliation, project). Any audience participation data and conclusions that will be included in project reports will only include aggregated and/or anonymised data. Affiliation data can be disclosed in the context of stakeholder engagement reporting, with no connection to the specific person participating.

For this event participation happens via physical attendance while presentations, speakers and panelists are streamed live online through Zoom platform and YouTube, unless an objection is stated before or during the event or upon registration on site. Photos will be taken during the event for dissemination purposes, that may be included into public project reports, popAl social media and website – you may opt out of being included at any point during the event and/or by stating so upon registration on site.

Upon entering the event venue, you will be directed to the on-site registration/check-in desk which follows the online registration. At that point you will receive your event badge and will be asked to actively opt in or out of use of your data without any further consequence to your participation in the event.

You will also have to actively inform us if you would like us to keep your contact details in order to contact you for future popAI activities. In case you opt out of such a case, we will permanently delete your contact details (name, email and any links to affiliation or project) after a maximum period of 45 days following the event.

Rights of the data subject

According to Art. 15 to 22 and 34 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to:

  • ask access to your personal data;
  • request rectification of the personal data if they are not/no longer correct;
  • request deletion of your personal data;
  • ask for a restriction of processing;
  • object to processing;
  • implement data portability.

Moreover, you have the right to complain with a supervisory authority. For this activity the relevant authority is:

Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-210 6475600
Ε-mail: contact@dpa.gr

Participation and withdrawal

Your participation in this activity is completely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time by informing the hosts that you no longer wish to participate. If you feel uncomfortable at any stage of the process, you should immediately contact the organisers on-site, interrupt the activity and you can ask for deletion of any recorded material and data which you are included within. No questions will be asked about your reasons, but you can provide them and complain if you wish so. There will be no negative consequences for you if you decide to withdraw from the activity. If you have any questions or concerns about the activity, please do not hesitate to turn to the contact person indicated below, who will also be present on site and present himself at the beginning of the event. 

Contact person

Dr Dimitris Kyriazanos
Tel: +30-210 6503150
E-mail: info@pop-ai.eu


By agreeing to this Privacy Notice you declare that:

  • You are over 18 years old
  • You understand that your participation is voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time without having to give a reason and without negative repercussions. No external pressure was exercised to you at any time to force your participation.
  • You have understood the description of the activities contained in this page.
  • You have been informed about privacy issues and how your personal data will be collected, processed, retained, and protected, as well about all issues regarding recording. You have understood your rights regarding personal data access, redress, and correction.
  • You have understood that the event does not involve in any way sensitive personal data.
  • You freely consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of the activity and according to the procedures described in this page.
  • You agree to participate in the event.